Achantus Rug

Achantus Rug

Kit petit point

de: Beth Russell of Designers Forum

The Acanthus plant is found in the decoration of many ancient cultures; William Morris used it extensively. The original silk wall-hanging which inspired these kits (now at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London) was designed by Morris in about 1880.
Beth Russell has interpreted the hanging into a needlepoint rug, cushion and bellpull. To achieve the closest match to the blue of the original, she has blended two shades.
CANVAS: 7/8#/in Zweigart Cream Rug Canvas, 48x72" (122x183cm).
DESIGN: 38x66" (96.5x167.5cm). STITCH: Cross.
WOOLS: Appleton tapestry for the design, crewel for the background.

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